Winter surfing tips – 7 points to consider for awesome off-season wave riding.

Winter surfing can be some of the best you enjoy all season. Some may argue that autumn is the golden time. And whilst it’s ‘horses for courses’ there’s no question that winter gives more opportunity for scoring solid juice. But winter surfing should always be approached with caution as air and water temperatures are much colder. And wave energy is stronger. Here are 7 winter surfing tips to help your season go off!

1. Stay warmer with the Exit XTend wind chill blocking range.

Your favourite watersports brand Exit launched their XTend windchill blocking top and hood at the end of August 2024. These finely crafted products have been designed to increase your warmth and help prolong surfing and watersports sessions.

The top keeps your core warmer (in tandem with your existing wetsuit) whilst the XTend hood makes sure your head is toasty. Both garments are PU coated and created with exemplary finishes. Both the Exit Xtend top and hood are essential for any winter surfer’s toybox.

2. Dry your wetsuit more efficiently for that next winter surfing sesh.

It doesn’t stop with the Exit Xtend range. All of Exit’s products are designed to help you ‘get out and live’ more. This can mean something as simple as drying your wetsuit more efficiently. Which in winter can be harder.

The Exit XRail wetsuit hanger is designed for just this job. With better ventilation, the ease of hanging it literally anywhere and a design that won’t grease and ruin your wetsuit, the Exit XRail is a must for all surfers and watersports riders. Having a dry wetsuit ready for your next wave is as much about safety as it is about comfort in winter. Being cold – before you even get in the brine – could lead to things going awry.

3. Pick your days for great winter surfing.

In winter there’s a higher % of scoring solid wave conditions. Sometimes the juice can be too much. It’s not uncommon, on Ireland’s west coast, to find XXL conditions. World class big wave riders flock to the Emerald Isle each winter because of this very fact. Famed spots like Aileens and Mullaghmore can serve up some ferocious waves. Which aren’t for the unskilled!

The layman every day surfer can do without this. So seeking shelter is a good idea when it’s thumping. Those quieter nooks and crannies that only work on massive swells are often game in winter. And/or choose a different day. One with less hectic surf. Being winter, with a chance of scoring, again you should be able to rack up a decent number of winter surfing sessions.

4. Make sure your gear’s up to it.

Before winter rolls around it’s worth giving your gear the once over and making sure nothing needs fixing or replacing. Surfboards are an obvious candidate for dings and damage. But check other bits such as your leash, leash retainer, fins and your wetsuit.

Don’t leave anything until the last minute. Before you know it an all-time forecast will pop and you’ll be high and dry with no equipment. Or, worse, you could end up in a fix out on the water because of gear malfunction.

5. Try something new.

This is a fun one and could relate to any part of your winter surfing experience. You may fancy a spin on a different type of surfboard. Which is great for your overall surfing experience. You may even discover your perfect surfboard partner. And it mightn’t be what you expect!

Surfing tips - 8 ways to make your summer more fun #3
Surf more!

Alternatively, why not check out a new or a few new locations? These could be quiet spots that only work on big swells. Or it could simply be a venue down the road where you haven’t been before. Whatever the case, variety is the spice of life.

6. Take a winter surfing holiday.

Taking the above one step further, an overseas winter surfing trip can be a great choice. There’s no denying a winter of howling winds, torrential rain and freezing temperatures is enough to test even the hardiest of surfers. So getting gone can offer much-needed respite.

Surfing tips - 8 ways to make your summer more fun #1
A winter surfing holiday can be just what the doctor ordered.

And you don’t need to go that far. Some European destinations, such as the Canary Islands, Portugal and southern Spain can serve up decent winter surfing conditions. And whilst this mightn’t be tropical it’ll sure help you reset and refresh. Of course, if you fancy a bit of Hawaii then fill ya boots!

7. Make the most of your backyard.

As much as we appreciate the benefits of an overseas surf trip we’re also fans of our own backyards. In Ireland, where Exit is based, there are a ton of wide and varied surfing conditions. Right around the coast!

There’s something for everyone on its day. You may have to dry a little and search these waves out but that can be an adventure in its own right. So why not grab your family or a bunch of mates and see what you can find.

EXIT Watersports brand story - with Kieran Sammon# #3
Kieran getting his kitesurfing vroom on. It isn’t surfing per see but he’s making the most of his local!

Summing up winter surfing.

Some surfers groan when they realise winter’s just around the corner. Others meanwhile relish the onset of colder months. In either case, there’s no stopping it. Whatever your feelings about winter surfing, Exit will help get you ready and prepared.

Check out the Exit shop for the full list of essential watersports accessories here.

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