Wetsuit hanger question – what’s the EXIT XRail and why is it so fantastic?

Wetsuit hanger questions come thick and fast with regard to the EXIT Xrail. Being such a unique product it’s not hard to see why. After all, at first glance, it doesn’t appear like a wetsuit hanger. But that’s kind of the point. Here at EXIT, we didn’t want to design just any old wetsuit hanging and drying product. It needed to be different, have more features and, most importantly, be sustainable and better for the planet.

Wetsuit and wetsuit hanger sustainability.

In this day and age, everyone is familiar with the environmental impact of human behaviour. By and large everything we do, manufacture and produce has a negative outcome. And it’s no different with watersports. On paper you’d imagine that surfers, kitesurfers, windsurfers, paddle boarders, kayakers and so on are doing their thing in harmony with Mother Nature. But this isn’t the case.

Unfortunately, the equipment we use and how it’s manufactured has a big carbon footprint. Wetsuits – although essential – are particularly bad. Made from petrochemical materials your wetsuit isn’t that kind to the planet. Which is one of the reasons we created the XRail. Made from recycled plastic the XRail wetsuit hanger will prolong the lifespan of your wetsuit. Which reduces those harmful elements of being involved with watersports.

The other huge XRail benefit.

It’s not just about sustainability and ethics with the XRail. Whilst we at EXIT consider this to be super important there’s also the wetsuit hanger’s functionality. After all, we want it to do what the brief asked.

The XRail dries your wetsuit, boots, gloves and hood and does it exceptionally well. Created with ventilation in mind the XRail wetsuit hanger means no more wet rubber for that next session. Being moisture-free for your next surf, kitesurf or whatever other discipline you choose is key.

Exit wetsuit hanger with wetsuit, paddleboard in the background.
The XRail wetsuit hanger in use.

Back to sustainability.

One more thing with the XRail in mind is that its shape ensures no folding of your wetsuit and no undue stress placed on high wear areas. Such as shoulders and chest.

This ensures (once again) the longevity of your wetsuit. Keeping it out of landfill and in use as often as possible for the duration.

To find out more about the EXIt Xrail and other wetsuit accessories head over to the online shop where you’ll find plenty of good stuff.