Foiling – of all types – continues to grab the attention of those into watersports. Whether wing foiling, downwind foiling, foil surfing, pump foiling, eFoiling, SUP foiling in waves, wind foiling or foil-assisted flying it’s a part of watersports that isn’t going away. If you’ve yet to be converted then you probably will be soon. If you’re already elevated then you’ll know the feeling and be hooked! Here are 7 ways Exit’s watersports accessories and technical watersports gear can help foilers get amongst it and make the most of their riding time.
Table of Contents
XTend your foiling time with the XTend windchill blocking top.
The XTend windchill blocking top is one of the newest Exit watersports accessory products. Falling into the technical gear category the XTend top was a long time in the making. Extensive prototyping and testing, however, led to the product we now have.
XTend Windchill Blocking Top
PU coated for additional warmth the top can be layered up with your existing wetsuit to give an additional barrier and even more warmth. Which is great on colder days. When it’s warmer the XTend top can be used as a stand-alone garment to help fend off the chill. Also, as a foiler, the top can aid impact and help mitigate that dreaded water slap. Layered up you have a degree more impact protection. Which is no bad thing.
The XTend windchill blocking hood for longer and more winter foiling.
Winter, or colder waters and air temperatures, can be a drain for all watersports enthusiasts. Colder conditions can zap strength and bring on fatigue much quicker than you’d expect especially if you’re a beginner or advancing intermediate. Keeping your head warm and toasty is therefore necessary as this’ll help with overall bodily warmth.
XTend Windchill Blocking Hood
When foiling riders get wet but they spend considerable amounts of time in the air, above the water, literally flying. This is prime for windchill taking hold. But fear not! The Exit XTend windchill blocking hood will save the day and keep you flying no matter how harsh the conditions.
Exit’s BUX wetsuit change bucket for the after-sesh win.
When you’ve had a quality session the stoke’s tangible. It’d therefore be a shame to ruin this by having to get changed on cold hard ground. Enter Exit’s BUX wetsuit change bucket! With oversized capacity, the spongy inner change mat (complete with drainage holes) foilers can stand inside while they disrobe in total comfort.
BUX Wetsuit Change Bucket
The Exit BUX also has high sidewalls which have been purposely incorporated. Most change robes have a gap around the ankles. The BUX’s sidewalls are high enough to block any wind and rain thereby delivering an even more efficient changing experience. And when you’re done riders can transport their wet kit home without soaking everything else through. The BUX also makes a great carry-all for various bits and bobs for added versatility. Maybe get two then!
The XRail – the best wetsuit hanger on the market for foilers and watersports riders of all types.
The original Exit product, the fantastic XRail wetsuit hanger, is poised to get you out and ripping post haste. No waiting around while your wetsuit dries. Instead, the efficient ventilation properties of the XRail will see you foiling again in the blink of an eye.
XRail Wetsuit Hanger
Manufactured in a sustainable way from recycled plastic the XRail also adds longevity to your wetsuit further reducing the impact on planet Earth. It won’t fold or crease your wetsuit, which can damage the performance. And it’ll also hold all your wet gear with a multitude of ways to hang…
SUX – for even more ways to hang the XRail.
Moving neatly onto the SUX suction up for the XRail which gives even more ways to hang and affix your XRail wetsuit hanger. The suction cup attaches to most flat surfaces allowing the XRail’s cantilever arm to attach almost anywhere.
SUX Suction Up for the XRail
In conjunction with the XRail, the Exit SUX is the perfect solution for drying your wetsuit outdoors (or in). Sticking to your vehicle, with your wetsuit draped over the XRail, it won’t be long before your wetsuit is dry and ready for foiling once again!
Yet more ways to use the XRail with the Exit HUX.
Here at Exit we really have thought about how to make maximum use of the XRail – whether out and about or back at base. Whilst the SUX gives more versatility the HUX adds yet another layer to what’s already an awesome system. Even if we do say so ourselves.
HUX Hang Up for the XRail
Made from recycled fishing nets – so again keeping sustainability and eco-friendliness in mind – the HUX turns your XRail into a more traditional-looking wetsuit hanger. Simple to attach and then hey presto! Broader versatility.
Foiling mishaps and wetsuit fixes.
Every now and again you may come into contact with your foil. Hopefully, this won’t result in too much bodily damage. Unfortunately, foils can nick and tear neoprene material. Thereby putting holes in your wetsuits. In fact, this kind of thing isn’t just limited to foiling as a wetsuit can incur damage in all watersports environments.
FYX Wetsuit Repair Kit
The Exit FYX is a nifty bit of kit that allows wetsuit repairs to be done on the fly (no pun intended!). Getting you back up and riding quickly is a focus of ours. After all, this is how to get out and live (the Exit motto) and make the most of your recreational free time! Sitting on the beach is a no no!
Summing up.
Reading this article you can see that all Exit watersports accessories are designed to work in harmony with one another and complement every aspect of your foiling shenanigans – whatever your level and experience. For sure, each product will work in stand-alone fashion, but to squeeze the utmost out of your riding the full system is definitely worth considering.
See the above products and more in the Exit online shop here If you have any questions about Exit products please get in touch. And for reviews of Exit products head to the Exit blog and these posts you can find in the links below.
And if you want more foiling content from Exit check out the following posts –