Kid’s watersports – 5 fun activities to introduce your offspring to.

Kid’s watersports are many. Depending on your child’s wants and needs there’s something for all wee ones to get involved with. And what better way to spend your time when not dealing with other responsibilities and commitments? Getting your kids involved with watersports is a surefire way to keep them from staring at screens. And if the discipline in question happens to be your passion then it may also be a case where mum and dad get the chance to indulge as well at the same time.

A note on kid’s watersports accessories.

If you’re heading to the brine with your offspring then you’ll need a few essential watersports items to make sure they’re comfortable and safe. Kids get cold quickly – especially when immersed in Northern Hemisphere ocean water. So a decent wetsuit, boots/shoes and possibly gloves/hood are a must.

Making sure the wetsuits kit is dry is also a must. Fortunately, the EXIT XRail will do just that. As well as helping keep the suit’s longevity intact. Also, the EXIT BUX wetsuit change bucket is a great product to keep delicate feet off cold ground. Whilst separating dry kit from wet during the ride home. 

Keep things fun and safe.

Teaching kids any new thing needs to be relaxed and made as fun as possible. If you make it too serious then you run the risk of putting them off. Potentially for life. And nobody wants that.

Surfing and kid's watersports family holiday locations
Fun, fun, fun!

It should also be safe. Sending your children out into conditions they’re not ready for is dangerous. Much better is to use a qualified instructor at a recognised school or centre. That way they’ll get the best kit for learning, the best guidance and the right location.

1. Dinghy sailing – the original kid’s watersports discipline.

Dinghy sailing is perhaps one of the easiest wind driven sports to get your kids involved with. And whilst owning your own boat is prohibitive to many there are plenty of sailing schools and clubs providing tuition.

Dinghy sailing kids watersports fun
Dinghy sailing is a great choice for kids.

Your children will be introduced to sailing by way of taster sessions. They may be given the chance to pilot a small dinghy – such as Optikmist – while tethered. Or alternatively taken out in a double hander with an instructor. Whatever the situation, sailing is sure to put a smile on their face.

2. Surfing kiddy watersports wins.

There’s more than one to ‘surf’. You don’t necessarily have to be standing up on a surfboard to enjoy the thrill of riding waves. Of course, if riding a ‘stick’ is your chosen method then kids are well catered for at recognised surf schools and centres.

Family surfing and watersports - 5 activities to get involved with this season. #1
Nothing beats surfing with your kids.

Heading for the surf is super fun. Your wee ones may only splash about in the shorebreak froth. Which is fine. As long as they’re having fun it doesn’t matter. Whilst messing about they’re gleaning important lessons about the surf via osmosis. Ready for when they’re ready to charge later!

3. Paddle boarding fun.

Flat water paddle boarding is usually quite relaxed for most riders. Hence why it’s a good watersport to get your kids into. Being oversized in nature, stand up paddle boards can be ridden tandem with small people onboard.

Kid’s watersports - 5 fun activities to introduce your offspring to
SUP for the kid’s watersports win!

As they progress there’s a whale raft of kiddy paddle boarding gear available on the market. They can go as far down the rabbit hole as they please. Or, alternatively, simply enjoy some watery fun by jumping off the SUP being used as a platform.

4. Windsurfing nippers.

Windsurfing is another classic kid’s watersport that’s surprisingly more accessible than you’d imagine. Just as with dinghy sailing you’d be better off heading to a recognised school or centre where they’ll have all the kit and tuition.

Kid’s watersports - 5 fun activities to introduce your offspring to #3
Th ebest way to show kids what planing windsurfing’s all about!

Or, if you’re already into the sport you may have kiddy applicable windsurfing gear that can be used to teach your sprogs. Just remember to keep it simple and fun. With no pressure.

5. Kayaking for sit down fulfilment.

Kayaking – more specifically sit on top kayaking – is another easy to access paddle sport. Using a rotomoulded plastic boat the craft is stable and robust. Many designs can accommodate a second (smaller) individual. So going twos up to show your wee one the ropes is simple.

Family surfing and watersports - 5 activities to get involved with this season. #6
Sit on top kayaking with your kids can be extremely fulfilling!

Sticking to placid flat water kayaking is mellow and enjoyable. It’s a great way to observe nature and wildlife. Whilst at the same time inspire your kids to get out and live for themselves.

Summing up.

There are, of course, many other types of watersports you can introduce your kids to. And we’d highly recommend this at EXIT. There’s no better place for all to be – children and adults alike – than outdoors and in ten water.

Check out EXIT’s watersports accessories over in the online shop here.